Archive for December, 2011

GNOME OPW: the bi-weekly progress report

The first two weeks of GNOME OPW intership for GNOME Games is fantastic. Getting started takes time but everything is moving forward. I have to say the Game team and the whole GNOME community is very friendly and warmhearted.

I had a great time on GNOME IRC, asking questions and they were answered very quickly!

Before the internship I only used Git for personal code version control, so I missed many power features of Git for distributed coding collaboration. By working with the Game project, I have a great chance to learn them in a real scenario. Now I feel quite at home to do branching, formatting patch, submitting in Bugzilla etc. The tool I like most is gitk. I used it a lot to browse the history changes and read the comments. It is a very good resource to learn everything.

Robert Ancell compiled a very informative Games roadmap at It is a great help for me to pick tasks that I can do and quickly contribute patches. It also provides clear overview about how far we are to the next milestone of Games.

Specifically, in the past two weeks I learned the Mallard document and Vala programming. I submitted patches for

I’m learning Clutter now since Swell-foop is written in Javascript  and Clutter. I will try to migrate it to Vala with Clutter.

Hello GNOME!

Hi, my name is Sophia Yu. I’m a happy GNOME user. But what is more exciting is that I’m going to be a female GNOME hacker! As you may know, I have been accepted as a participant in GNOME Women Outreach Program 2011 together with another  amazing 11 girls around the world. My project is going to be GNOME Games. Here, I would like share my adventure in GNOME-land at this little blog space.