Animated Vala Swell-foop!

Today I’m very glad to share my great joy of making Vala Swell-foop animated! Check this out.

It turns out Clutter is a very fun toolkit for desktop application animation. If you are new to program with Clutter, do remember that when you specify the geometric properties (like positions in animation), always use ‘float’ or ‘double’ values! ‘int’ value will make a lot of troubles!

5 responses to this post.

  1. sweet!


  2. Good advice, and true in the general case too. Any time you use a C function that takes varargs, you need to pay attention that you pass in the expected types, or you’ll likely get invalid memory access errors as the function tries to read past the data you’ve given it.

    Also, can I suggest that you use an animation easing function that starts slow and ends fast? This will make for more ‘realistic’ looking falling – something like CLUTTER_EASE_IN_CUBIC.


  3. Posted by David on February 20, 2012 at 4:29 pm

    Looks good overall. I’m not really a design person, but it may look better if the squares shrink as they disappear, instead of growing as they disappear.


  4. Posted by benniswelt on February 21, 2012 at 5:53 am

    I’d also support shrinking the blocks. The way it currently is feels overloaded and unintuitive to me


  5. +1 for shrinking


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